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Join date: Jun 8, 2023


Lakisha Lynette Bealer ​founded Agility Solutions in 2011. Ms. Bealer has over 25 years of professional experience. She has worked for attorneys, law firms, banks, a family owned tax preparation business, and individuals across the U.S. In addition to her experience Ms. Bealer holds an Associates degree in Business/Legal Assistant Studies, a Bachelors in Business/Accounting, a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and is a Certified Life Coach.

Through personalized coaching sessions, she creates a safe and nurturing space for clients to explore their innermost desires, fears, and aspirations. By combining ancient wisdom with modern techniques, Lakisha helps clients take meaningful steps towards achieving thier goals and aspirations.

Ms. Bealer is al dedicated to helping individuals navigate their journeys with clarity and purpose. With a deep understanding of astrology, Lakisha also offers profound insights and transformative guidance to those seeking inspiration and connection with their higher selves.

Believing that everyone has a unique destiny and purpose, Lakisha encourages individuals to embark on a spiritual journey that aligns with their religious beliefs, rooted in philosophy and Universal principles. By tapping into the wisdom of the stars, professional training, and experience, she empowers clients to unlock their true potential and embrace a path that is empowering.

Lakisha Bealer

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